Temperature dependences of the voltage drop across the diode U fo

Temperature dependences of the voltage drop across the diode U for fixed (and stabilized) forward and reverse currents I are shown in Figure 7a,b. The temperature coefficient of voltage TCS (S=U) derived from the graphs depicted in Figure 7a,b

(the curves in panel (b) are linearized over an interval from 20℃ to 60℃) varies from 0.3%/℃ to 0.6%/℃ for forward bias and from −3%/℃ to −2.4%/℃ for reverse bias (Figure 7c,d). Figure 6 Temperature dependences of current and temperature coefficient of signal. Temperature dependences of current are presented for fixed voltages on a Ni silicide/poly-Si Schottky diode and temperature coefficient of signal (current) is plotted for each branch of the I-V characteristics. (a) Forward and (b) reverse currents (the legend represents the applied bias in volts

for each line). (c) Temperature coefficient of current vs. fixed voltage on the structure; negative this website MG-132 price and positive values of U in (c) correspond to forward and reverse biases, respectively. Figure 7 Temperature dependences of voltage and temperature coefficient of signal. Temperature dependences of voltage are presented for fixed currents through a Ni silicide/poly-Si Schottky diode and temperature coefficient of signal (voltage) is plotted for each branch of I-V characteristics. (a) Forward and (b) reverse biases (the legends represent the currents in μA for each line). (c, d) Temperature coefficient of voltage for each branch of I-V Elafibranor nmr characteristics vs. fixed current through the structure. To derive the graph (d), the curves in (b) were linearized in the interval from 20℃ to 60℃. Negative and positive values of I

in (c) and Chlormezanone (d) correspond to forward and reverse biases, respectively. As of now, we foresee two ways of improvement of electrical properties of the structure. The first of them consists in modification of the Schottky barrier formation process proposed in [27] which enables production of poly-Si/Ni polycide Schottky diodes with rectification ratios as high as 106. The other possibility is to replace poly-Si by α-Si:H and to apply the metal-induced crystallization to form diodes nearly as perfect as those produced on the basis of single-crystalline Si [8, 28–30]. Each of these alternatives in principle could enable the development of high-performance monolithic Schottky diode microbolometer IR FPAs.c Conclusion In summary, nickel silicide Schottky diodes formed on polycrystalline Si 〈P〉 films are proposed as temperature sensors of monolithic uncooled microbolometer IR focal plane arrays. The structure and chemical composition of the Schottky diodes have been examined by TEM. The Ni silicide has been identified as a multi-phase mixture composed of 20% to 40% of Ni3Si, 30% to 60% of Ni2Si, and 10% to 30% of NiSi with probable minor content of NiSi2 at the silicide/poly-Si interface.

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