We then delivered a train of ten stimuli at 100 Hz to the TA pathway followed by a single SC stimulus 20, 40, 60, or 80 ms after initiating the TA train. We found that in this paradigm, SC and SLM stimuli that were subthreshold when delivered alone were able to produce a spike when paired ( Figure 7D), indicating that this spike-enhancing
phenomenon originally observed in adult rats ( Remondes and Schuman, 2002) also occurs in developing mice. During the dual stimulation protocol, we interleaved sweeps during which we only stimulated one pathway to ensure that the single stimuli remained subthreshold throughout the duration of the experiment. We quantified normalized spike probability by dividing the number of sweeps in which the cell fired an action potential by the total number of dual stimulation sweeps and then dividing this value phosphatase inhibitor library by the amplitude of the FV recorded in SR. This value represents the spike probability for a given number of stimulated axons. We found that the normalized spike probability was significantly reduced in NGL-2 CB-839 clinical trial KO animals when the SLM-SR interval was 40, 60, and 80 ms, and there was a similar trend when the interval was 20 ms ( Figure 7E). We quantified a normalized value for SR-evoked EPSP by dividing the recorded EPSP amplitude by the amplitude of the SR fiber volley. We found that this value was significantly reduced
in NGL-2 KO mice ( Figure S4A). There was no difference Dipeptidyl peptidase in peak amplitude of the TA-evoked EPSP, resting membrane potential, or input resistance between conditions ( Figures S4B–S4D). Together, these data demonstrate that reduced SR synapse density resulting from loss of NGL-2 impairs cooperative interactions between SC and TA synapses in CA1 cells. Thus, the level of NGL-2 expression strongly influences the integrated output
of CA1 neurons. In the CNS, a postsynaptic neuron typically receives synaptic input from a variety of distinct sources, but the molecular mechanisms that give rise to the formation of these different classes of synapses are not well understood. Our study demonstrates that the postsynaptic adhesion molecule NGL-2 plays a critical role in regulating the Schaffer collateral synapses onto CA1 neurons without affecting other excitatory inputs. The synapse specificity of NGL-2 action appears to be mediated by selective localization of the protein to the domain of the apical dendrite where CA1 neurons receive Schaffer collateral inputs (Figure 8). NGL-2 belongs to an LRR protein subfamily that includes NGL-1 and NGL-3, which are all expressed widely throughout the CNS (Kim et al., 2006) but interact with different presynaptic receptors (Kim et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2003; Woo et al., 2009b) that are expressed in discrete neuronal populations (Kwon et al., 2010; Nakashiba et al., 2002; Yin et al., 2002).