The recruitment was possible after the collaboration of our local Hospital and a European Union funded pilot running prevention programme of the Municipality of Evrotas in various villages, integrated with door to door follow-up. RESULTS: The main characteristics of the analyzed population
are: Mean age was 61, 25 years and mean BMI: 28.31 kg/m2. In total 33 out of 223 (14.8 %) were found eligible for treatment after DEXA AZD5363 manufacturer measurement according to the N.O.F. guidelines. We have found that 7 women (5.03 %), aged 40–65 years, were eligible for treatment and 20 women (14.38 %) have a <10YMOP> over 6 %, which is similar to the UK percentage (6–20 %) for the age of 50. After BMD measurement, 17 persons (12.23 %) had still a <10YP> over 6 %. For women over 65, we have
found 26 (30.95 %) to be eligible for treatment and 24 (19.51 %) had a <10YP> over 14 %, similar to the UK percentage for this age (14–27 %). The great majority had none or one FRAX risk factors (177 out of 223–79.37 %). This subset of women had from dairy products an average calcium intake of 631.0, 612.5 and 573.3 mg for the age groups 40–49, 50–64 and over 65 years, respectively. Nevertheless, the Mediterranean Diet of this area can provide an extra amount MI-503 order of 200 mg of calcium/day. Our results are depicted on the following table: Age group <10YP> without BMD >6 % <10YP> with BMD> 6 % Eligible for treatment FRAX tool calculated risk factors None One Two >Two 40–49 (n = 40) Histamine H2 receptor 2 (5 %) 2 (5 %) 2 (5 %) 12 (30 %) 17 (42.5 %) 9 (22.5 %) 2 (5 %) 50–65 (n = 99) 18 (18.2 %) 15 (15.1 %) 5 (5.1 %) 48 (48.48 %) 30 (30.30 %) 18 (18.18 %) 3 (3.03 %) >65 (n = 84) 10yp > 1423 (27.4 %) 10yp > 1410
(11.9 %) 26 (30.95 %) 46 (54.76 %) 24 (28.57 %) 13 (15.47 %) 1 (1.19 %) Total (n = 223) 33 (14.8 %) 106 (47.53 %) 71 (31.83 %) 40 (17.93 %) 6 (2.69 %) CONCLUSION Osteoporosis and relative fragility fractures represent a great public health problem as they produce elevated social and private costs. Effective primary prevention should be a worldwide public health priority. Local and national political support and action is needed for the development of targeted screening and intervention programmes through partnerships and coordination centres towards a patient-centered approach. P6 OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENING AND FRACTURE RISK ASSESSMENT TOOL USAGE AMONG HOUSE STAFF Jordan Brodsky, M. D., Beth Israel Medical Center, Woodmere, NY; Mehgan Greenfield, M. D., Beth Israel Medical Center, Woodmere, NY; Erin Patton, M.D. M.P.H, Beth Israel Medical Center, Woodmere, NY BACKGROUND: Despite increased awareness of the magnitude and consequences of osteoporosis and the availability of recommendations for screening and treatment by multiple organizations, osteoporosis is still under diagnosed and inadequately managed in the United States.