The lower concentration of blood was used to reduce the background during the blotting procedure. Colonies were bound to the nitrocellulose membrane by overlaying the agar plate. The membrane was then baked for 1 h at
80°C as described elsewhere [40]. Subsequently, the membrane was blotted with HRP-CTB as described above. Amplification and sequencing of phase variable genes wlaN and cj1144-45c For PCR wlaN G-tract forward (GATATAGCTAAAGAGTATGCTAGTAAAG) wlaN G-tract reverse (GGATAATATAATAAGGCATCTTCTGCC) and cj1144-45c G-tract forward (GGGTTGATGAAGCAAGAAATTAGTAG) cj1144-45c G-tract reverse (GCTAAAAACCAAGGTCCTATAACACC) primer combinations wee Crenigacestat purchase used. Twenty (20) reactions were inoculated with bacteria from single colonies of C. jejuni 11168-O grown at 42°C. Amplified ~500 bp fragments were cleaned up using an Eppendrof Perfectprep Gel Cleanup kit and were sent for sequencing at the Australian Genome Research Facility (University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Selleckchem GSK2879552 QLD, Australia). Acknowledgements This study was funded by an Australian Postgraduate Scholarship (to E.A.S.)
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