The characteristic FTIR spectra bands of PANI vanish after heat treatment, which confirms that PANI has been pyrolyzed after heat treatment. The XRD patterns of the
samples after heat treatment are shown in Figure 5B. The XRD patterns of the composite BIBF 1120 in vitro obtained in 0 (curve a) and 0.02 M HClO4 (curve b) can be indexed to α-MnO2 crystal structures [34]. Meanwhile, different XRD selleck inhibitor peaks are observed in Figure 5B (curves c and d), indicating the heat-treated product obtained in 0.1 M HClO4 is Mn2O3 and the heat-treated product obtained in 0.05 M HClO4 are MnO2 and Mn2O3. The results show that for as-prepared samples, Mn2O3 phase is increasing with acid concentration. It is reported that the phase of manganese oxides is changing with temperature, and MnO2 may transform to suboxide Mn2O3 at 500°C to 900°C [33, 35–38]. The reductive matters such as CH3OH, CH4, and CO were studied as reductions for the phase transforming of MnO2 to Mn2O3, and the mechanism PF477736 was also suggested [34, 39]. Therefore, we assume that the reductive matters generated during PANI decomposition procedure assists the transformation of MnO2 to Mn2O3. Additionally, the aggravating degree of phase transforming of the heat-treated samples could be attributed to the increasing proportion of PANI in the composites. All the above
results indicate that the MnO2 generated in the polymerization of PANI process at low-acid concentration has a great effect on the formation of the hollow structure at higher acid concentrations as an intermediate. In this work, the electrochemical performance of the composite was evaluated. The capacitance of MnO2 is generated by the charge transferring among
multivalent Mn element (Mn2+, Mn3+, Mn4+, and Mn6+) [35], while PANI endures doping/dedoping companying with the redox process of PANI: (4) (5) Cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of the composites are shown in Figure 6A. CV curves of as-prepared PANI nanofibers/MnO2 crystallines are comparable with pure PANI and MnO2, respectively. The rectangle-like shape of CV curve suggests that MnO2/PANI fabricated in 0.02 M HClO4 has an ideal capacitive characterization. Additionally, the rectangle-like shape potential region of MnO2/PANI (curve c) is relatively larger compared with that of the crystallized MnO2 (curve e) and Edoxaban PANI (curve a). The capacitance C CP can be estimated according to the equation: C CP = (Q a + Q c )/(2 × ΔV), where Q a , Q c , and ΔV are indicative of the anodic and cathodic charges of CV and the potential region of CV, respectively. The capacitances of the samples in curves a to e are 80, 45, 207, 143, and 46 F g-1, respectively. The capacitance of MnO2/PANI (curve c) is larger than that of PANI (curve a) and MnO2 (curve e). The extended ideal capacitive potential region and larger capacitance of MnO2/PANI composite are possibly due to the synergistic effect between the core of MnO2 and the shell of PANI [32, 35, 40].