Paraffin embedded sections were stained with periodic acid Schiff selleck products s reagent. The pathological inflammation, GCHM, and mucin expression from the midsagittal section of the lungs were evaluated under a light microscope. For immu nohistochemistry analyses, mouse lung sections were stained with primary antibodies and visualized using the VECTASTAIN Elite ABC Kit or the Mouse on Mouse Elite Peroxidase Kit, according to protocols supplied by the manufacturers. The pathological inflammation and GCHM in a midsagittal section from the lung were evaluated under light microscope. A blinded pathologist in the Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign independently examined the tissue sections. Animal studies were carried out in strict accordance to the protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the UIUC.
Statistical analysis Parametric data were analyzed for statistical significance by Students t tests, with differences Cilengitide between means con sidered significant when p value 0. 05. Results PCN causes ROS RNS stress in NCI H292 cells PCN damages airway epithelial cells by causing oxidative stress through the release of ROS. Because H2O2 and O2 are capable of interacting with NO within airways to produce the highly toxic peroxynitrite, we evaluated the production of total ROS RNS in NCI H292 cells following 24 hr exposure to different concen trations of PCN. PCN caused a dose dependent increase of ROS RNS. For example, at 3. 125 ug ml, PCN only caused a slight increase in ROS RNS. How ever, at clinically relevant concentrations of 6.
25 and 12. 5 ug ml, PCN significantly increased the production of ROS RNS by 47 and 50%, respectively. We also examined whether GSH could attenuate the ROS RNS production. GSH is a ubiquitous, essential tripeptide antioxidant containing a sulfhydryl group that enables it to protect against oxidant induced lung injury and inflammation. Importantly, pretreatment of NCI H292 cells for 60 min with the anti oxidant GSH before the exposure to PCN limited the ROS RNS production to basal levels. These results suggest that ROS RNS induced by PCN may impair the function of various host proteins in the airway epithelial cells. However, GSH efficiently neutralizes PCN toxicity. PCN induces posttranslational modifications and degradation of FOXA2 FOXA2 e-book is required for maintenance of normal differen tiation of the airway epithelium. Inhibition of FOXA2 by pro GCHM Stat6 and EGFR signaling path ways appears to be an important early step in the initi ation of GCHM and mucus hypersecretion. We have previously shown that PCN causes GCHM and mucus hypersecretion by inhibiting the expression of FOXA2, primarily through the activation of Stat6 and EGFR.