Materials, compositions and manufacturers are summarized in Table

Materials, compositions and manufacturers are summarized in Table 1. Before the application of each dentin treatment, double-faced adhesive tape, with a hole of 3 mm in diameter was fixed over the dentin surface to limit the bonded surface area. Table 1. Materials used in this study, their compositions and their manufacturers. Group 1: The nano-filled RMGI was applied according to manufacturer instructions. Nano-primer was applied for 15 seconds, air-dried using gentle, compressed-air for 10 seconds, and light cured for 10 seconds with a halogen light-curing unit (Hilux, Dental Curing Light Unit, Benlioglu; Ankara, Turkey) with an output of 600 mW/cm2. Before the application of the nano-filled RMGI, a split Teflon mould, 2 mm in thickness with a central hole of 3 mm in diameter, was fixed over the dentin surface.

The material was dispensed over a pad with the aid of its Clicker? Dispenser, mixed using a metallic spatula for 20 seconds, and applied over the cured primer, then, the material was light cured for 20 seconds. Group 2: Nano-filled RMGI was directly applied over the dentin surface, without the application of the nano-primer and light cured as in Group 1. Group 3: The dentin surface was conditioned using 25% polyacrylic acid for 10 seconds, rinsed with a copious air/water spray for 10 seconds and, blot dried using sterile cotton, leaving the dentin surface visibly moist (wet bonding). Nano-filled RMGI was applied directly over the dentin surface, without the application of the nano-primer and light cured, as in Group 1.

Group 4: The dentin surface was conditioned with 25% polyacrylic acid as in Group 3. Nano-primer and nano-filled RMGI were applied as described in Group 1. Group 5: The dentin surface was etched using 35% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, rinsed for 20 seconds and blot dried as in Group 3. Nano-primer and nano-filled RMGI were applied as described for Group 1. Group 6: The dentin surface was conditioned with EDTA solution for 60 seconds, rinsed for 20 seconds and blot dried as in Group 3. Nano-primer and nano-filled RMGI were applied as described for Group 1. Subsequent to light curing of the nano-filled RMGI, the Teflon mould was dissembled, and the dentin surfaces- with their attached RMGI cylinders- were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37��C. SBS testing After 24 hours, each specimen was mounted to the universal testing machine (LR5K series, Lloyd Instrument; Fareham, UK).

A specially fabricated, metallic, chisel-bladed instrument was positioned as accurately as possible on Anacetrapib the nano-filled RMGI/dentin interface. The test was run at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute until failure. The load recorded in Newton was divided over the calculated surface area and the SBS was retrieved in MPa. Groups 2 and 3 were not tested, as all specimens of these two groups failed before testing during the 24-hour storage period, and their SBS was expressed as 0.

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