Jonathan Ainsworth, Jane Anderson, Abdel Babiker, Valerie Delpech, David Dunn, Philippa Easterbrook, Martin Fisher, Brian Gazzard (Chair), Richard Gilson, Mark Gompels, Teresa Hill, Margaret Johnson, Clifford Leen, Chloe Orkin, Andrew Phillips, Deenan Pillay, Kholoud Porter, Caroline Sabin, Achim Schwenk and John Walsh. Research Department of Infection & Population Health, UCL Medical School, London (Loveleen Bansi, Teresa Hill, Andrew Phillips and Caroline Sabin); Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit (MRC CTU), London (David Dunn, Adam Glabay and Kholoud Porter). Barts and The London NHS Trust, London (Chloe Orkin, Kevin Jones and Rachel Thomas); Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
NHS Trust (Martin Fisher, Nicky Perry, Anthony Pullin and Duncan Churchill); Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, London (Brian Gazzard, Steve Bulbeck, Sundhiya Mandalia and Jemima Clarke); Health Protection see more Agency Centre for Infections, London (Valerie Delpech); Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust, London (Jane Anderson and Sajid Munshi); King’s College Hospital,
London (Philippa Easterbrook, Frank Post, Yasar Khan, Paragi Patel, Fatimah Karim and Stephen Duffell); Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit (MRC CTU), London (Abdel Babiker, David Dunn, Adam Glabay and Kholoud Porter); UCL Medical School and The Mortimer Market Centre, London (Richard Gilson, Shuk-Li Man and Ian Williams); North Bristol NHS Trust (Mark Gompels and Debbie Dooley); North Middlesex
University Hospital NHS Trust, London (Achim Schwenk); Royal Free NHS Trust and Department of Infection GSK269962 mouse & Population Health, UCL Medical School, London (Margaret Johnson, Mike Youle, Fiona Lampe, Colette Smith, Helen Grabowska, Clinton Chaloner, Dewi Ismajani Puradiredja, Loveleen Bansi, Teresa Hill, Andrew Phillips and Caroline Sabin); Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London (Nicky Mackie, Alan Winston, Jonathan Weber, Christian Kemble and Mark Carder); The Lothian University Hospitals NHS Trust, Edinburgh (Clifford Leen and Alan Wilson). “
“Antiretroviral therapy reduces mortality and morbidity in HIV-infected individuals most markedly Roflumilast when initiated early, before advanced immunodeficiency has developed. Late presentation for diagnosis and care remains a significant challenge. To guide public health interventions effectively it is crucial to describe the factors associated with late presentation. Case surveillance data for all individuals newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Germany in the years 2001–2010 and data for the years 1999–2010 from the German Clinical Surveillance of HIV Disease (ClinSurv) cohort study, a large multicentre observational study, were analysed. Factors associated with late presentation (CD4 count < 350 cells/μL or clinical AIDS) were assessed using descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression methods.