It is also to a large degree the result of a certain mental confu

It is also to a large degree the result of a certain mental confusion, which is forgivable in authors with a literary training, but hard to excuse in scientists experienced in the rigors of rational enquiry. What in fact is randomness?

Only a purely negative definition can be given: a random process cannot be simulated by any mechanism or described by any formalism. Asserting that “chance exists” is tantamount to the ontological position that there are natural phenomena that we will never be able to describe, nor therefore to understand. Ilya Prigogine, author of a theory of dissipative structures in thermodynamics, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical considers that the universe is neither totally deterministic nor totally stochastic.31 He speaks of a generalization of dynamics at the level of statistics that has no equivalent in terms of trajectories. Initial conditions can no longer be assimilated to a point in the phase space, but they correspond to a region described by a probability distribution.

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical It is a nonlocal description, a new paradigm. Turing and self-organization The mathematician Alan Turing, famous for his work on cybernetics and artificial intelligence, showed that the synergy Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical between reaction and diffusion could lead to spontaneous modes of concentrations.32 He proposed that such mechanisms might explain the occurrence of structured rules in the ontogenesis of living species. A morphogen is a substance participating in reactions generating forms. Morphogens (growth factors, transcription factors, or other endogenous compounds) influence in a spatial and temporal manner, the expression of series of genes; this influence is very precise, possibly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical because morphogens are rapidly synthesized, but diffuse more slowly, and this discrepancy would lead to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical periodical maximal values of concentration. This model proposed by Turing enables to explain this website several phenomena: stationary structures,

oscillations, chemical waves. The phenomenon of spontaneous exchange of information was used by biologists such as Meinhartdt and Gierer33 in their explanation of the periodic structure of leaves. This kind of self-organized chemical reactions could also explain heptaminol the emergence of the zebra skin or a quantity of biological phenomena that illustrate selforganizing structures. Discussion Poincaré showed that some dynamical nonlinear systems had unpredictable behaviors. A century later, deterministic chaos, or the chaos theory, is much debated. Biologists, economists, specialists in social sciences, and researchers in medicine call themselves chaoticists. Moreover, debates on the chaos theory are no longer limited to groups of scientists having an extended knowledge in mathematics, but is widely found through the media, with participation from philosophers, psychoanalysts, journalists, or movie makers.

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