Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections were subjected to histological evaluation by light microscopy including staining by hematoxylin-and-eosin selleckchem Palbociclib (H&E) staining ccording to standard conditions. Serial sections were examined with a Zeiss Axiophoto microscope (Cal Zeiss, Inc. Jena, Germany). Each section was reviewed by two pathologists specializing in bone tumors. Vascular imaging of osteosarcoma by CTA CTA was performed in all of the osteosarcoma patients.3 Iopamidol 370 was administered via injection at a rate of 7 mL/s into the celiac artery, or 4 mL/s via the right, the left or the proper hepatic artery, depending on tumor location. Tumor vascularity was assessed by enhancement during the arterial phase of CTA.
In brief, tumors that were markedly enhanced by CTA were assessed as very hypervascular lesions, those minimally to mildly enhanced by CTA were assessed as hypervascular, and those slightly enhanced or not enhanced by CTA were assessed as hypovascular. Ethical approval All patients and healthy controls provided informed, written consent and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of National Institute of Rehabilitation, Mexico City, Mexico. Statistical analysis Statistically significant differences between the groups were determined by the median test and the differences were shown by using box�Cwhisker plots. All analyzes were performed using Analyse-it? software (Analyse-it Software, Leeds, UK). Results Patient characteristics The clinicopathological characteristics of 117 patients with osteosarcoma are listed in Table 1. Table 1.
Clinicopathological characteristics of osteosarcoma patients. Quantification of serum ANG�CIgM with ELISA To quantify ANG�CIgM in humans, an ELISA was developed using ANG coupled with HMWM (polyphenilacrilat) as the capture antigen Carfilzomib on the plates (Fig. 4). The coating antigen was validated by assessing VEGF binding, which has a similar specificity to ANG�CIgM. In general, IgM is notorious for non-specific antigens sticking to its solid phases. Hence, we included a number of controls to rule out the possibility that the observed binding of IgM to ANG�CHMWM was specific. Binding of IgM to HMWM- or non-coated plates upon incubation with dilutions of normal human sera (NHS) was negligible. However, significant binding of IgM to VEGF�CHMWM was observed, although this binding was less than that to ANG�CHMWM-coated plates. We did competition experiments to further substantiate the specificity of the ELISA for ANG-IgM (Table 2). Figure 4. Scheme of synthesis and structure of hapten�CHMWM (ie, angiogenin�Cpolyphenilacrilat) conjugates used as coating antigens for ELISA. Table 2. Reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of detection of natural IgM antibodies in osteosarcoma (OS) patients.