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“Background The kinetochore Phosphoprotein phosphatase is a large protein complex assembled on centromere DNA and kinetochore dysfunction is an important source for chromosome instability [1, 2]. More than 60 kinetochore proteins have been identified in yeast in recent years [3–5]. Multiple kinetochore proteins have been shown to be deregulated in human cancers, which suggests an important role of kinetochore for chromosome instability and cancer development [6–9]. CENP-H was initially identified in the mouse centromere as a fundamental component of the active centromere [10, 11]. Human CENP-H presented at the inner plate of kinetochore throughout the cell cycle, co-localized with CENP-A and CENP-C, and was necessary for the appropriate localization of CENP-C [10–13].

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