As shown in this study, binding of the antibody to Au-NPs can be

As shown in this study, binding of the antibody to Au-NPs can be quantified by electron microscopy.

The analysis proved that almost all Au-NPs bound several antibody molecules. The number of oligonucleotides bound to a particle was determined by real-time PCR using functionalized Au-NPs diluted directly into PCR mixes. Interestingly, even though each functionalized Au-NP possessed in average 80 oligonucleotides, performance of Nano-iPCR was comparable to the detection range of iPCR. This can be related to a higher background reflected in lower Cq values in iPCR calibration curves, including negative controls. Second, an important parameter of immunoassays is the Everolimus in vivo type of wells or tubes in which the assays are performed. An extensive array of various tubes, strips and plates fitting to different real-time PCR cyclers is available for PCR. However, these tubes and wells are often made of polypropylene and therefore exhibit a relatively low protein-binding capacity. At present, only the TopYield polycarbonate strips have antibody binding capacity comparable to polystyrene strips or plates widely used for ELISA, and have a shape compatible TSA HDAC with heating blocks of various PCR cyclers. Our initial experiments showed that real-time PCR performance of TopYield strips was poor even in cyclers with heated lid. This was however improved by

changing the cycling conditions and covering PCR master mixes with mineral oil. This obviously reduced evaporation from relatively large surface area of TopYield wells. Third, both Nano-iPCR and iPCR detected the antigen with higher sensitivity than ELISA. This reflects the ability of PCR to amplify even a very small number of template DNA molecules. Initial studies next indeed demonstrated a dramatic enhancement (approximately five orders of magnitude) in detection sensitivity when iPCR was used instead of ELISA (Sano et al., 1992). However, these assays were performed under optimal conditions where antigen (BSA) was directly immobilized to wells

and a potent monoclonal antibody specific for BSA was available. When the antigen is present in a complex protein mix, such as in serum-containing culture medium or in crude body fluids, and analyzed in a sandwich assay, Nano-iPCR and iPCR usually detect the antigen with 1–3 orders higher sensitivity than ELISA (Adler et al., 2003, Lind and Kubista, 2005, Chen et al., 2009 and Perez et al., 2011). In a study aimed at detecting mumps-specific IgG in serum samples, sensitivity of the iPCR did not exceed that of conventional ELISA. It should be kept in mind that Nano-iPCR and iPCR assays are substantially less sensitive for quantification of antigenic molecules when compared to real-time PCR for quantification of DNA templates. This is attributable to high specificity of PCR and zero amplification in the absence of DNA template.

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