8 times (P<0 05, compared to vehicle) higher permeability Pre

8 times (P<0.05, compared to vehicle) higher permeability. Previously

we reported that AngII mediated hypertension promotes oxidative stress in the vasculature. Thus, we used the superoxide scavenger; 4-hydroxy-TEMPO SC79 in vivo (Tempol) to determine whether AngII via oxidative stress could contribute to higher leukocyte adhesion and increased BBB permeability. Tempol was given via drinking water (2 mmol) on day 4th following Ang II infusion, since oxidative stress increases in this model on day 4. Treatment with Tempol significantly attenuated the increased leukocyte/endothelial interactions and protected the BBB integrity on day 14 of AngII infusion. In conclusion, AngII via oxidative stress increases cerebral microvasculature inflammation and leads to greater immune-endothelial interaction and higher BBB permeability. This finding may open new avenues for the management of nervous system pathology involving cerebrovascular inflammation. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Rotaviruses are a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in children worldwide. Early stages of rotavirus assembly in infected cells occur in viroplasms. Confocal microscopy demonstrated learn more that viroplasms associate with lipids and proteins (perilipin A, ADRP) characteristic of lipid droplets (LDs). LD-associated proteins were also found to colocalize with viroplasms containing

a rotaviral NSP5-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion protein and with viroplasm-like structures in uninfected cells coexpressing viral NSP2 and NSP5. Close spatial proximity of NSP5-EGFP and cellular perilipin A was confirmed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Viroplasms appear to recruit LD components during the time course of JIB04 in vivo rotavirus infection. NSP5-specific siRNA blocked association of perilipin A with NSP5 in viroplasms. Viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), NSP5, and perilipin A cosedimented in low-density gradient fractions of rotavirus-infected cell extracts.

Chemical compounds interfering with LD formation (isoproterenol plus isobutylmethylxanthine; triacsin C) decreased the number of viroplasms and inhibited dsRNA replication and the production of infectious progeny virus; this effect correlated with significant protection of cells from virus-associated cyto-pathicity. Rotaviruses represent a genus of another virus family utilizing LD components for replication, pointing at novel therapeutic targets for these pathogens.”
“Oxidative stress and inflammation are important processes in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recent studies have implicated the role of amyloid beta-peptides (A beta) in mediating these processes. In astrocytes, oligomeric A beta induces the assembly of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complexes resulting in its activation to produce anionic superoxide.

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