, 2011; http://www.tractor-mri.org.uk). Independent sample t-tests indicated that the 90 participants in the current study did not differ significantly from the other participants that attended wave 2 of LBC1936 testing for LM1 [t (862) = −1.15, p = .25], LM2 [t (862) = −1.31, p = .19], VPAI [t (843) = −1.20, p = .23] and VPAII [t (841) = −1.40, p = .16]. Pearson’s correlations with large effect sizes between tests for scores of immediate [LM1 and VPA1; r (87) = .56,
p < .001] and delayed recall [LMII and VPAII; r (87) = .50, p < .001] suggested that the test scores Compound C could be combined into two overall measures. Z-scores were created and averaged to yield two scores of verbal memory ability for each participant; one of Immediate see more (M = −.01, SD = .90) and one of Delayed recall ability (M = −.01, SD = .89). One participant did not complete the VPA, and so the score for LM performance was used in place of an average verbal memory ability score. Correlations among raw memory scores are given in Supplementary Table I. All regional volumes were controlled for intracranial volume (ICV; reflecting
maximal healthy brain size; Royle et al., 2013). As such, residuals derived from the linear regression between ICV and regional volume allow us to compare volumes across individuals, accounting for how large one would expect them to be given their maximal healthy brain size. Thus, two individuals with the same raw IFG volume (for example) are not necessarily treated the same; rather, the corrected value represents its actual size relative to its expected size within the sample. Though this is an imperfect measure that cannot take account of individual differences in the degree of tissue-specific change
(for which longitudinal data MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit are required), we contend that – particularly in the context of older participants – this step is preferable to using raw values, which cannot differentiate at all between participants with different levels of global atrophy. The resultant unstandardized residuals were used in all further analysis. Outlier (±3 SD) and normality checks were performed on all variables. The object maps of the outlying values were inspected (without knowledge of their relation to other variables) to check for measurement error. A single marginal outlier was identified in both left and right hippocampi, and they were winsorized following examination of object maps by one of the authors (NAR) in order to preserve data points but minimize the disproportionate effect of outlying points on parametric analyses. Tract segmentation quality was examined by one of the authors (SMM).