[109-111] No effective treatment is currently available except fo

[109-111] No effective treatment is currently available except for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors which augment cholinergic function but this is not curative and only a temporary measure. As for the pathogenesis of AD, the amyloid cascade hypothesis postulates that memory deficits are caused by increased levels of both soluble and insoluble amyloid β (Aβ) peptides, which are derived from the larger amyloid precursor protein (APP) sequential proteolytic processing.[109-111] A recent study has reported that treatment of PDAPP mice, a transgenic mouse model of AD, with anti-Aβ antibody completely restored hippocampal acetylcholine release

and high-affinity choline uptake and improved habituation learning.[112] Based on the study, a clinical trial in AD patients is underway in the USA. Chronically decreasing Aβ levels DAPT molecular weight in the brain has been suggested as a possible therapeutic approach for AD, and experimental evidence indicates that proteinases such as neprilysin,[113] insulin degrading enzyme,[114, 115] plasmin[116] and cathepsin B[117] could be used as therapeutic

agents to reduce Aβ levels in AD brain. Recent studies have shown that intracerebral injection of a lentivirus vector expressing human neprilysin in transgenic mouse models of amyloidosis reduced Aβ deposits in the brain and blocked neurodegeneration in the fronal cortex Erastin in vitro and hippocampus,[118] and that intracerebrally injected fibroblasts over-expressing the human neprilysin gene were found to significantly reduce amyloid plaque burden in the brain of Aβ transgenic mice.[119] These studies support

the use of Aβ-degrading proteases as a tool to therapeutically lower Aβ levels and encourage further investigation of ex vivo delivery of protease genes using human NSCs for the treatment of AD. We have recently generated a human NSC line encoding the human neprylysin gene, transplanted these cells into the lateral ventricle of AD transgenic mouse brain, and results are expected find more shortly. Ealier studies have indicated that nerve growth factor (NGF) prevents neuronal death and improves memeory in animal models of aging, excitotoxicity and amyloid toxicity,[120-124] and could be used for treating neuronal degeneration and cell death in the AD brain. However, delivery of NGF into the brain is not possible via peripheral administration. Because of its size and polarity, NGF does not cross the blood–brain barrier. In order to overcome this difficulty, a gene therapy approach could be adopted. Using an ex vivo gene therapy approach (genetically modify cells), NGF can be directly inserted into the brain and diffuse for a distance of 2–5 mm.[125] Previously, a phase 1 clinical trial of ex vivo NGF gene delivery was performed in eight mild AD patients, implanting autologous fibroblasts genetically modified to express human NGF into the forebrain. After a mean follow-up of 22 months in six subjects, long-term adverse effects were not found.

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