On the other hand, the main disadvantage of this method is relati

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of this method is relatively

little control over the alignment (i.e., CB-5083 clinical trial chirality) of the created nanotubes, which is important for their characterization and role. Additionally, because of the metallic catalyst needed for the reaction, purification of the obtained products is essential. Laser ablation method By using of high-power laser vaporization (YAG type), a quartz tube containing a block of pure graphite is heated inside a furnace at 1,200 ± C, in an Ar atmosphere [12]. The aim of using laser is vaporizing the graphite within the quartz. As described about the synthesis of SWNT by using arc-discharge method, for generating of SWNTs, using the laser technique adding of metal particles as catalysts to the graphite targets is necessary. Studies

Crenigacestat manufacturer have shown the diameter of the nanotubes depends upon the laser power. When the laser pulse power is increased, the diameter of the tubes became thinner [13]. Other studies have indicated ultrafast (subpicosecond) laser pulses are potential and able to create large amounts of SWNTs [14]. The authors revealed that it is now promising to create up to 1.5 g/h of nanotube material using the laser technique. Many parameters can affect the properties of CNTs synthesized by the laser ablation method such as the structural and chemical composition of the target material, the laser properties (peak power, cw versus pulse, energy fluence, oscillation wavelength, and repetition rate), flow

and pressure of selleck kinase inhibitor the buffer G protein-coupled receptor kinase gas, the chamber pressure and the chemical composition, the distance between the target and the substrates, and ambient temperature. This method has a potential for production of SWNTs with high purity and high quality. The principles and mechanisms of laser ablation method are similar to the arc-discharge technique, but in this method, the needed energy is provided by a laser which hit a pure graphite pellet holding catalyst materials (frequently cobalt or nickel). The main advantages of this technique consist of a relatively high yield and relatively low metallic impurities, since the metallic atoms involved have a tendency to evaporate from the end of the tube once it is closed. On other hand, the main disadvantage is that the obtained nanotubes from this technique are not necessarily uniformly straight but instead do contain some branching. Unfortunately, the laser ablation method is not economically advantageous because the procedure encompasses high-purity graphite rods, the laser powers required are great (in some cases two laser beams are required), and the quantity of nanotubes that can be synthesized per day is not as high as arc-discharge technique. Chemical vapor deposition One of standard methods for production of carbon nanotubes is chemical vapor deposition or CVD.

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