The resultant final diagnosis was enteric hyperoxaluria complicat

The resultant final diagnosis was enteric hyperoxaluria complicated by an acute irreversible oxalate nephropathy. Management

consisted of a low-oxalate diet and intensification selleck kinase inhibitor of pancreatic enzyme supplements to limit malabsorption. In addition, calcium carbonate and subsequently Sevelamer were added in order to reduce the enteric absorption of oxalate. Reduction in systemic oxalate load was attempted by the use of daily haemodiafiltration via a tunnelled internal jugular catheter and it is notable that he did not suffer any systemic manifestation of oxalate deposition such as heart block, arthropathy or neuropathy. The patient was managed as an outpatient and received tacrolimus, mycophenolate and steroids

and remained free of pulmonary rejection with Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) maintained above 3.0 L. The patient was distressed and angry at the need for regular haemodialysis and the impact it made on his life despite the renewed benefit of his lung transplantation. Options for renal transplantation were considered and his mother was assessed as a potential kidney donor. Ten months post lung transplant he underwent a renal transplant with Basiliximab and methylprednisolone induction with maintenance of standard tacrolimus RAD001 in vivo and mycophenolate dosing. There was immediate graft function and no complication. Calcium and Sevelamer supplementation were initially ceased, but were recommenced because of early hyperoxaluria with restoration of adequate glomerular

filtration and tubular flow. The patient was advised to maintain a urine output of 3 L a day (see Fig. 3). SPTLC1 Urinary oxalate excretion was monitored regularly in order to adjust pancreatic supplementation and oral oxalate binders. Initially very high levels may have reflected an elevated systemic burden and it is notable the urinary oxalate declined to the normal range after 3 months. A 2-week post-transplant renal biopsy showed no evidence of recurrent oxalate deposition. In the months following his renal transplant, intermittent episodes of diarrhoea related to antibiotics or mycophenolate use precipitated episodes of acute renal failure. However, these diarrhoeal episodes improved on switching mycophenolate to azathioprine. At 8 months post renal transplant he has a creatinine of 122 µmol/L with an eGFR of 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2. His lung function remains stable and he is gainfully employed as an electrician. Oxalate is a ubiquitous molecule found in the soil and taken up by plants and vegetables such as spinach, rhubarb and nuts. Concentrations in foods vary widely depending on the soil and water conditions they were grown in, making quantification in feeds difficult. Approximately2 20–40% of oxalate is obtained from the diet where it is absorbed in the colon.

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