analysis showed that the mean change in distance walked at 12 weeks buy GDC-0199 was an increase of 8.05 ± 55.48 m in the immediate intervention group and a decrease of 11.45 ± 49.46 m in the wait list control group (p = 0.443) (Table 4, Fig. 2). Sensitivity analyses with imputation of data for the one subject in the wait list control group who had missing data on the 6MWT at 12 weeks were based on the best and worst scenarios, and yielded similar results (data not shown). The per-protocol analysis excluded one female subject who was incorrectly randomized but ineligible by hemoglobin criteria (with initial screening hemoglobin of 10.8 g/dL and a subsequent hemoglobin value drawn 12 days later of 11.5 g/dL, thus rendering her ineligible) and showed similar results (data not shown). There was a small but statistically significant increase in hemoglobin of 0.39 ± 0.46 g/dL at 12 weeks in the immediate intervention group compared to a decline in hemoglobin of 0.39 ± 0.85 g/dL in the wait list control group
(p = 0.026, Table 4). One patient in each group had an increase in hemoglobin of at least 1 g/dL 12 weeks after receiving the first dose of IVIS (received immediately after screening in the immediate intervention Afatinib order group and after 12 weeks in the wait list control group). Over time, mean hemoglobin levels rose in the immediate intervention group but decreased in the wait list control group (Fig. 3). Mean hemoglobin levels rose slightly in each study group 12 weeks after initiation of treatment with IVIS (from 11.19 g/dL to 11.58 g/dL in the immediate intervention group, and from 10.91 g/dL to 12.01 g/dL in the wait list control group). There were no significant differences in the two groups in change at 12 weeks for other secondary outcomes of physical, cognitive function, quality of life, and frailty (Table 4). There were no statistically significant correlations
between the week 12 change in hemoglobin from baseline and any of the iron indices at baseline in either the immediate intervention 4��8C group or the wait list control group (data not shown). This is the first exploratory intervention study aimed solely at treating older adults with UAE utilizing intravenous iron. We treated subjects with UAE and serum ferritin levels between 20 and 200 ng/mL (inclusive) with five weekly 200-mg doses of IVIS. Unfortunately, because of early termination of the study due to poor recruitment, the study is substantially underpowered to detect differences in the primary outcome. Thus, although the direction of changes in 6MWT results were as hypothesized—that is, the 6MWT improved in the immediate intervention group compared to the wait list control group—the differences between the groups were not significant. These results are compatible with a trial in older adults with heart failure and similar ferritin levels treated with intravenous ferric carboxymaltose [19].